Written by Danica on 07.28.2015

Impact of Time on Link Building
If you are familiar with agency SEO or work in an agency yourself then you will know that time is a pretty big deal. This is because you often have a set time allocation to work on each client. This means you have a limited amount of time to get some of those kick ass links. In most cases you will find you are restricted in the link building methods you can use. In this post I wanted to show some of the best techniques you could use based on your available time.
Before embarking on a link building campaign it’s a good idea to get a thorough understanding of your client. This understanding will help you identify the type of links you need for your client. For example do they need links for brand building or more keyword driven links? It all depends on the competition. Some campaigns will rely more on one more than the other. It is also worth being well organised. Having a list of all the possible sources of links can be invaluable.
Link building is about getting the links that matter and provide value for your client. So you need to look at the various link sources and decide which ones will deliver the most value given your time. I have mocked up the following table based on a Patrick Moogan presentation.
With smaller agencies you will find many of their clients are at the smaller end of the scale and have limited budgets. This means they usually spend around one to two days on SEO. When time is limited article submissions and directories will give you quick opportunities to get those keyword driven links. Always important however they are usually low value. To ensure that the site also has some good quality links paid links is a good option. If you are going to do this you should do it quietly.
If you have a bit more time then supplier management and guest blogging are good opportunities. I personally love the guest blogging approach. This is because the parties gain a benefit in some form and helps build up your network. You will often find that blog that accepted a previous guest post might be suitable for one of your other clients. A great way to build relationships. The supplier option is relatively straight forward.
If you have a lot of time then you have a lot more freedom. Widgets, competitions and themes can all be very effective link building strategies. There is some caution required with some of them however the benefits can be significant. It’s important to be creative when you have a large quantity of time. There are some great blogs out there on link bait ideas.
This should give you some ideas for going forward. Remember not to get all those links at once. Have a strategy for getting links gradually and build quality rather than quantity.